
Mascot waving hello

Hello and welcome to my little corner of the internet. I'm Ethan, and I go by peetseater on twitch.tv.

My main hobby is playing video games, and I generally do Let's Play style playthroughs of games live on Twitch. Though I also play multiplayer games or do one-offs when a game catches my attention.

If you'd like to come by to see if I'm live right now, click here

If you're hoping to catch a vod, then everything's archived onto youtube. Just click here.

And if you're hoping to see announcements about the stream or what I'm up to, you can follow me on the bird app here.

Mascot stirring a spatula in a bowl to cook something

I do more than just single player game on stream though! Sometimes, I

I really like experimenting with recipes, and I got really into making cookies during the pandemic. You can check out some of my recipes here!

Mascot holding a ringcon controller above head

Besides games and cooking, I also exercise! I used to do ringfit on stream two days a week until I beat the story mode (which took over half a year), and if you're looking for a workout buddy to do stuff with you, check out the vods here and begin your journey with me! I'm always happy to motivate and encourage people to better themselvs.

My latest achievement is doing an entire year's worth of daily workouts in Fitness Boxing 2 on the Switch.

Mascot eating pizza and chicken

Thanks for checking out my page. And I hope you enjoy your time here!