
I like programming or writing down my thoughts sometimes. Check it out if you'd like.
- Using Egui for our PNGTuber
- Improving the PNGTuber with dynamic rules
- Using Sentiment Analysis to control a PNGTuber in OBS
- Rust revenge match.
- Retro on my first ever advent of code
- Advent of Code thoughts on days 1 - 7 in rust
- Empirally testing Tim Cains prototype optimization
- Migrating old content to this site
- When you don't need an HTML parser
- Adding a simple vod search with typescript
- Connecting OBS and Twitch rewards together
- Making a simple discord bot
- Ren is slow enough that I wrote my own program faster
- Making a Match 3 game with LibGDX from scratch
- Following Sebastian Lague's tutorial about procedural cave generation, but in Cocos instead of Unity
- The second part of Sebastian Lague's tutorials, the marching square algorithm.
- Inspired by Celeste's use of progressive sound to indicate progress/changing moods, I wanted to give this a try
- More of Sebastian Lague's tutorials, a little game where you dodge blocks falling at you.
- More of Sebastian Lague's tutorials, dodge the guards, collect coins, make it to the goal.
- Future.sequence starving AWS's connection pool
- Playframework Optional Mappings of Objects
- Circe, beyond the basics
- Do indices in playframework field names matter?
- Binding classes and enumerations in Play! routes and query parameters
- Custom Types & Enums in Anorm's RowParser definitions
- ElasticSearch: Matching a Regular expression for an entire field
- Slick columnToOptionColumn deprecation warning fix
- How to make custom form binders in play!
- Guice in Scala: Checked Providers
- MySQL & JDBC timezone gotcha's
- Getting a String before another in MySQL
- Request Bodies and Java
- Partial file uploads in Play with ResumableJS
- Combining Asset's on the fly in Play (javascript example)
- Dockerized Play! App continously restarts?
- Let's Exploit Magento! (<
- How to implement Subresource Integrity (SRI)
- How to test the PlayFramework Mailer
- Upload binary data in play
- Bashing Logs
- Building Content State from Workflow and Audit Logs
- How to set Netty options in Playframework
- How to connect VisualVM to Docker
- How to create an SBT task that takes an argument
- Combine XML files with Bash
- Scala, XML, and XSD Validation
- Spray ToResponseMarshallable "Too Many Arguments" error
- NewRelic, Scala, and XML Instrumentation
- WordPress 4.2 Exploit, SQL Injection Edition
- Multiple Deploy Keys and Jenkins
- Administrative Gotcha when doing local proxying
- Spray's Transparent Head Requests and Testing
- Logging to a File in Spray
- Serializing Generic Types with Spray JSON Library
- Serializing java.util.Locale with Spray JSON library
- A Year of committing to Github
- Aspect Ratios, Math, and Scala
- 401 Unauthorized and 400 Bad Request from Sonatype Nexus in SBT
- Type Error when using None as a default to Option.fold
- Scala Scrimage error solution: the org.apache.batik.transcoder. TranscoderException
- Manipulating XML with PHP
- Generate Conditional AWS Group Policies with AWScala
- Reverse routing with non-standard controller packages in Play
- Trigger Asynchronous Jobs in Play 2.3
- Non Empty List Form Validation in Play
- PHP Snippet
- shell_exec with sudo in php
- Using sassc with play-sass plugin
- Akka DSL's and Routing In Play with Cake Pattern
- Which is faster, string interpolation or addition in python?
- Dot Paths in Harp? Unexpected Behavior!
- Value EnablePlugins is not a member of sbt.Project error
- Install and Backup a MongoDB Replica Set
- Handling Has-Many Relationships with Slick
- Value Raw is not a member of String, Scala Error
- Targeting Java Platforms with SBT
- An Adventure with strace
- How to remove your entire google search history
- PlayFramework XML Templates and Scala
- Setting Thousands Separator in Drupal 7
- Watermarking Images with Scala (play)
- Elastic Search filtered Aggregations
- Approaching Optimizations
- Preparing for Green Up
- Write your own service init scripts
- Encrypting your chat with mcabber
- A brief look into Scala
- Lost and Found Application
- Partial Processing of Slow Java Services with ExecutionService
- Vim pgp/gpg macros to enhance mutt
- Segfault in apt-get while trying to install
- Github Awesome Autocomplete Review
- Adding Right Click context actions to Caja
- Fixing Chromium's seccomp logging to dmesg
- Attempting to install Gentoo into VirtualBox
- Stopping mysql Upstart issues without reinstalling
- Plugin to Ban users and deny registration in WordPress
- Deny spam emails from registering in WordPress
- Context Menu Button to remove Exif Metadata
- Change Wordpress login URL
- Create an RSS feed with Harp
- Setting Chromium as the default browser for GotoDocumentation in Sublime Text 2
- Proxy Paranoia and DNS resolves
- Make your own Mailing List
- Adding days with Java
- Displaying Business hours with PHP
- Shared Voice - Activist's tool
- *Arc: My First Chrome Extension
- Dynamic Tablename's in Order By with NamedParameterJdbc
- Use Native Library Classes in XML Beans (OpenCV)
- Order by Rand without a starting ID of 1
- Teaching Through Games
- Fixing the flash player in Chromium Version 37
- Using Encrypted Search in Chrome
- Coloring Likert Scales with LESS CSS
- Autoload your CSS and Javascript in Harp
- Loading JS dynamically in Harp
- Let's make a chat server, Part 3
- Let's make a chat server, Part 2
- Let's make a chat server, Part 1
- Adding Scheduled Posts to your Harp Site
- Authorize LineItem's, mixed free and paid for causes error
- Private Talk and plans for some tutorials
- Harp CDN Macro Revisited
- BGI, a way to track your spending
- XML Sitemap for Harp JS
- Custom Permalinks for Custom Tables and Pages
- 'Caught in the Spiders Web' -- A googlebot Heisenbug
- HarpJS and Macros, Static Delivery for Static Content
- Spring Batch ItemProcessListener Example
- Serial Hill Climber in GoLang
- Green Up Vermont
- Varnish Directors and API Caching
- Adding Actions to the WordPress User Lists
- 404 Error from WordPress Form Submit with an input named 'name'
- Grails Service Mocks
- Resource Replace, update js and css domain links
- Gripes with wordpress's postmeta and autoload
- Varnish and API Servers
- Incorrect Time in PHP despite Timezone
- Using Chunked Encoding for Reporting in Wordpress
- Hosts file and Testing deployment