Administration Gotcha's when proxying

Warning. Blogging under irritation. You've been warned

Everyone deals with Legacy systems and almost everyone who's ever had to do any system administration has ran into a server configuration that they didn't originally setup. A lot of the time these systems are a cludge of multiple people's blood throughout the last 10 or more years. Other times, let's be honest, they're just setup by idiots who've never read a man page in their life* or who didn't bother checking log files for anything odd before they ran out at 5:00pm sharp to get home to the latest re-run of terrible-movie the show part 14 on HBO**

I ran into something which may be a mix of these two while troubleshooting some systems recently. Everyone knows to restrict access to sensitive information when you setup a server. And so you'll commonly see things like this:

<Location /server-status>
	SetHandler server-status
	Order Deny,Allow
	Allow from

Which is great. Now only people who have already compromised your box, or you, can get information about your server. This is a good thing (unless you're compromised). But something which people love to do is use nginx to proxy. After all, it's recommended in the top hit for nginx vs apache in the "Using Nginx and Apache both" section for pretty good reasons. But something else people do (which makes less sense), is to have both nginx and apache running on the same machine. If your argument for using both systems is that nginx is better at static content, and apache better at heavy processing, then you should probably understand that if apache is taking all the resources to work, it's going to affect nginx, and in that case, why don't you just shut off AllowOverride and only use apache?***

Why am I mentioning this and the server-status handler above? Let me guide you down the right path: What IP Address will nginx provide to apache when proxying? If you answered The ip of the client duh! I would suggest you do two things.

  1. Click here

  2. Keep reading.

The correct answer is of course, because nginx is running on your local system. And apache will see that local ip and correctly take the localhost as the incoming address. Of course, you view this as wrong, but how do you expect apache to know that it's being proxied to? It doesn't. But, we can fix that. First off, you'll need mod_rpaf (or an alternative). Installing this is easy.

  1. Use your package manager to grab the httpd-devel package which includes the apxs command.

  2. Download mod_rpaf (you can find a copy here or pull a release from github)

  3. Open the tar file, or change into the root directory and run apxs -i -c -n mod_rpaf-2.0.c

  4. Create the configuration file /etc/httpd/conf.d/

                  LoadModule rpaf_module modules/
                  RPAFenable On
                  RPAFsethostname On
                  RPAFheader X-Forwarded-For

  5. Restart apache.

Now apache will understand when someone sends headers along with X-Forwarded-For and X-Host that it's really supposed to be pretending that it got the request for that IP and host directly and and not from whatever locally just came to it. This is all well and good, but you do need to update your nginx configuration to set the headers in the first place. As it's not going to do it by itself:

  1. Open your nginx configuration and add in a couple lines to your proxying location:

                  proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
                  proxy_set_header Host $host;

  2. Restart nginx

That's it. You should now be able to look in your access logs (I know it might hurt the log challenge, but really, do it) and see the real ip addresses coming in to apache and any server-status requests being denied. Don't get me wrong, server status is great. It shows useful information like server version, SSL library version, what build you're using, how much traffic you're dealing with, and every ip address connected to your system!. Which is all, obviously, public information you want to share with everyone.****

While you're in your configuration, you may also consider shutting off your server's signature as well. That is, as long as it's not past 5pm and your re-run isn't calling you.

* For the love of god, read a man page or some documentation before you put something in production
** Really. Check your log files when you turn something on
*** Pretty sure I saw a benchmark a while ago showing that Apache performed just as well as nginx when AllowOverride was off
**** If you want to get hit by exploits specific to your server version