Watching logs, an adventure in bashing

A few of my friends have said they enjoy blog posts that go into the thought process behind code. Like when looking at string performance in python or troubleshooting a weird bug with strace. So today I want to walk through a really simple bash script that was fun to make and interesting to think about.

In the usual course of any programmers life, if they take a project from start to finish, there'll be a lot of log files. Whether for monitoring, or for checking progress of batch updates and other similar tasks. The typical command every developer keeps in their pocket is this one:

tail -f /var/log/myapplog.log

And this does the job for when you're monitoring some weird bug locally and have increased your logging. If you're running some batch process that logs to a file you might feel your eyes glaze over as you tail and see your 359th line of

[INFO] Random Batch Process X Done, Starting Process Y!" 

You might even start working on something else while you wait if you're a productive person. But chances are that once you do it won't be until you flip to your terminal a while later that you realize you can get on with whatever other process was blocked by your batch process.

The obvious solution is to monitor your log and notify yourself somehow when the log file has stopped updating. So, how do you do this? I'll cover two approaches, the first uses diff the other uses tail. I first used diff because I thought of the process as checking the difference between the state of the log at different points in time. The first thing we need to do to build our state then is to capture the log file at time T! This is easy to do with bash:

tail mylog.log > capture.1
sleep 1
tail mylog.log > capture.2

The above will grab the log file's last 10 lines of code (the default for tail) and place them into our two capture files. Waiting a second inbetween captures. Now that we have two files we can simply diff them:

diff capture.1 capture.2 
# or diff capture.*

and we'll get a bunch of lines of output showing us the difference in the two files. This is nice and all, but a bunch of lines isn't the easiest thing to deal with in bash. So instead we can check the manual for diff and see that there is an option to get a much simpler output, -q, or --brief, which only outputs if the two files are different and not their actual differences.

> diff -q capture.*
Files capture.1 and capture.2 differ #or nothing if they do not

Using this we can simply check the output of diff as a string and act on this in bash using a simple if:

DIFFCMD=`diff -q capture.1 capture.2`
if [[ "Files capture.1 and capture.2 differ" == "$DIFFCMD" ]]; then
	#do something when they differ
	#do something when they don't

Of course, to watch a log implies that we're keeping an eye on it, and so we need to loop our diffing of the file. This is pretty easy to do in bash, we simply need a sentinal and a loop:

while [[ $KEEPDIFFING -eq 1]]; do 
	# If statement and updates to KEEPDIFFING

With these pieces, we can easily make a generalized bash script that can monitor any of our logs:


if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
	echo "Usage: ./ /my/log/file.log [sleep time (s)]"
	echo "Will output a dot for each second monitored that there are no changes"
	echo "Will stop script once no changes are detected to log file"

if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then

SLEEPTIME=1 #Default sleep time
if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then

echo "Monitoring $LOGFILE"


echo "Please wait, setting up monitoring"
sleep 1
echo "Monitor files ready"
echo "Checking logfile differences every $SLEEPTIME second(s), will stop script once no changes are detected"
echo -n "Start at: " && date

while [[ $KEEPDIFFING -eq 1 ]]; do
	if [[ "Files $AFILE and $BFILE differ" == "$DIFFCMD" ]]; then
		echo -n "." #Progress indicator that the script is running.
	 	tail $LOGFILE > $AFILE
	 	sleep $SLEEPTIME;
	 	tail $LOGFILE > $BFILE
		echo "No update to log file in last $SLEEPTIME second(s), stopping script"
		echo -n "Stopped at: "

Now this will work fine for monitoring a single logfile. But what about if we need to monitor more than one at a time? Or if multiple users on a server are all trying to keep an eye on it? Well, we could use random or dated filenames. But eventually we'll hit that one edge case where we accidently overwrite someone elses temporary capture file. So we need to switch to a different method, and this is the second approach I mentioned above, using tail.

Our initial reason for not using tail was because logically, using the diff tool to find _diff_erences just makes sense. But if we think of the last n lines of a log file as being just a string, than we can see that we can compare a string just as easily (more so even) than a file capturing the state. Instead of capturing the differences in a temporary file, we can assign them to string variables:

CAPTURE1=`tail mylog.log`
sleep 1
CAPTURE2=`tail mylog.log`

Then compare them with bash like any other string:

if [[ "$CAPTURE1" == "$CAPTURE2" ]]; then 
	#Do something if they match
	#Do something if they don't

We can therefore modify our script to not use any temporary files and be concurrently available for all users:

echo "Please wait, setting up monitoring"
sleep 1
echo "Monitor files ready"
echo "Checking logfile differences every $SLEEPTIME second(s), will stop script once no changes are detected"
echo -n "Start at: " && date

while [[ $KEEPDIFFING -eq 1 ]]; do
	if [[ "$ACAPTURE" != "$BCAPTURE" ]]; then
		echo -n "." #Progress indicator that the script is running.
	 	sleep $SLEEPTIME;
		echo "No update to log file in last $SLEEPTIME second(s), stopping script"
		echo -n "Stopped at: "

The above update will work, but you may have already noticed that we are now using both a sentinel with KEEPDIFFING and a conditional. We can simplify the code a little bit and remove the sentinel since we only want to run the else branch once we're ready to exit the loop anyway. So we can simplify the code down to:


if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
	echo "Usage: ./ /my/log/file.log [sleep time (s)]"
	echo "Will output a dot for each second monitored that there are no changes"
	echo "Will stop script once no changes are detected to log file"

if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then

SLEEPTIME=1 #Default sleep time
if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then

echo "Monitoring $LOGFILE"

echo "Checking logfile differences every $SLEEPTIME second(s), will stop script once no changes are detected"
echo -n "Start at: " && date

while [[ "$ACAPTURE" != "$BCAPTURE" ]]; do
	echo -n "." #Progress indicator that the script is running.
	sleep $SLEEPTIME;

echo "" #move down from the dots
echo "No update to log file in last $SLEEPTIME second(s), stopping script"
echo -n "Stopped at: "

Which is easy to read and understand. In the above script we're just spitting out the date that the script stopped running at. But if you wanted to be notified, you could use something like

notify-send "System Alert" "The process you were waiting for is done!"

If you're running this on your local machine and have notify-send installed. If this is a remote machine that has an SMTP program installed you could send an email with the mail command:

echo "The process is done" | mail -s "System Alert"

just place this at the end of the script and you'll be all set! It's easy and simple to combine the tools that the linux command line gives you to create useful scripts that can help you in your every day life as a developer.