Scala 101 - My first look
I'm currently transitioning from Java to Scala and learning more about functional programming. While I have done functional programming before, it was, sadly, several years ago so refreshing my memory is the first priority here.
There's a lot on the net about scala, but I decided to get started with sbt. I know this may sound weird, not doing a language tutorial and immediately jumping to a build tool. But I like preparing myself for development environments first before I dive into learning details of a language. Afterall, most of the time as a dev you're playing plumber and glueing different libraries together, so it makes sense to start out learning how to do that.
Defining library dependencies
Here's an example of library dependencies and setup from sbt's website
val derby = "org.apache.derby" % "derby" % "" lazy val commonSettings = Seq( organization := "com.example", version := "0.1.0", scalaVersion := "2.11.4" ) lazy val root = (project in file(".")). settings(commonSettings: _*). settings( name := "hello", libraryDependencies += derby )
The _*
allows the sequence to be passed to the settings method.
The points of note here is that the commonSettings
is where you'd
define your project's package details and versions. Then for each of the
components of your project you'd define the name's and their libraries.
If you're doing something with custom libraries and are defining a single
application you'd likely have something like this:
name := "Project Name" version := "0.0.1" scalaVersion := "2.11.1" resolvers += "Repo Name" at "http://urltotherepository" libraryDependencies += "com.example" % "artifact" % "1.0.0" libraryDependencies += "com.example" % "artifact2" % "1.0.0" etc...
Tasks and inspection
An interesting thing about sbt's shell is that you have the ability to
any task you could run. For example, if you define the example
task from the documentation:
lazy val hello = taskKey[Unit]("An example task") lazy val root = (project in file(".")) .settings(commonSettings:_*) .settings( name := "hello", version := "1.0", hello := { println("Hello!") } )
And the run inspect hello
you'll see useful information like so:
> inspect hello [info] Task: Unit [info] Description: [info] An example task [info] Provided by: [info] {file:/path/to/example/hello/}root/*:hello [info] Defined at: [info] /path/to/example/hello/build.sbt:14 [info] Delegates: [info] *:hello [info] {.}/*:hello [info] */*:hello
Which tells you where you can find the definition of the task. Handy if
you're wondering what the task does and you didn't write it yourself.
If you look at the compile
task you can see that it's defined in the
(sbt.Defaults) Defaults.scala:250
file. I can imagine this being
helpful for contributing or patching other projects or frameworks.
Deleting custom files with clean
The other handy thing I found in the documentation was the ability to
add files to be cleaned via cleanFiles
in build.sbt like so:
cleanFiles += file("/tmp/data.txt")
Then when you run clean
that file will be removed. I can see this
being handy for when your code generates reports of some kind. Another
handy thing, is that if your program code has more than one class
defining the main
function for some reason when you run run
from the
sbt shell it will ask you which you'd like to run. My first thought when
I saw this it made me think of writing scala deployment/management scripts
to manage or run jobs from a shell.
Scala versions and sbt's 'dumbness'
An interesting thing about scala is that the jars are expected to have
the version of scala within their name. If you follow the examples on
sbt's page and run package
you'll end up with: hello_2.10-1.0.jar
in target directory.
When specifying dependencies you'll run into two flavors:
libraryDependencies += "org.scala-tools" % "scala-stm_2.11.1" % "0.3"
libraryDependencies += "org.scala-tools" %% "scala-stm" % "0.3"
The %%
will implicitly assume that the version of scala specified for
your project is the one it should use in the artifact's name. So if you
need to use a jar that differs from your own scala language version
you'll need to use a single %
and specify.
Organization of large projects
If you were creating a larger project in java you might use modules in maven to create the project. In scala, there is a similar way of doing this. Aggregates. Here's an example from me fooling around with scala:
lazy val helloTask = taskKey[Unit]("An example task") lazy val multiTask = taskKey[Unit]("An example task showing aggregates") lazy val commonSettings = Seq( organization := "com.example", scalaVersion := "2.10.4", version := "0.1.0" ) lazy val hello = (project in file("hello")) .settings(commonSettings:_*) .settings( name := "hello", version := "1.0", helloTask := { println("Hello!") } ) lazy val util = (project in file("util")) .settings(commonSettings:_*) .settings( name := "util", version := "1.0" ) lazy val multi = (project in file(".")) .aggregate(util, hello) .dependsOn(util) cleanFiles += file("/tmp/data.txt")
package com.example object Go { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { println("Running Aggregate!") val e = new Example(); e.sayHello() } }
package com.example; public class Example { public void sayHello(){ System.out.println("Hey there!"); } }
object Hi { def main(args: Array[String]) = println("Hi!") }
There's a three projects going on here. The hello project, the
util project, and the multi project. When you run sbt in the
root directory, you'll compile all projects and then run
the go
script. If you run sbt in the hello directory, you'll only compile
the hello files and run
will give you the "Hi!" string.
If you package
from the root, you'll end up with 3 jars. The real use
of this would be creating something like this:
models/ ... source code for shared models jobs/ ... jobs to be ran etc depends on models api/ ... web facing API exposing models site/ ... static website that consumes api and creates jobs
And you'd probably package the whole thing up to deploy it to one server (if that was the case). Pretty simple right? In the build.sbt example above you'll notice that the multi project aggregates 2 projects but only depends on one. An important note here is that multi cannot use anything in the hello project. Why? Because it doesn't depend on it, and aggregate just means we're going to compile/package all these things at once, not that they depend on each other. That's what dependOn is for.
When you have a large number of projects, it also helps to organize dependencies. There's good documentation on how to make reusable dependencies that I won't bother repeating here.
Getting to some code
Now that we have an idea of how to organize our code and projects, let's actually get to some code. If you run the scala console, or sbt's console command you'll drop into a shell that can be used to test out some expressions:
Welcome to Scala version 2.10.4 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.7.0_55). Type in expressions to have them evaluated. Type :help for more information. scala> 1 + 2 res0: Int = 3 scala> res0 + 4 res1: Int = 7 scala>
One of the nice things about the scala console that I haven't seen before
is the res0
variables that are auto populated when you do
computations. Which you can then use. You'll find your typical primitive
types in scala, Int
's, Boolean
's, Double
's, and String
to name a
In addition, you can also define anonymous functions, similar to javascript. This is helpful when you're testing things out in the shell and don't want to write a full blown class and compile to test things.
scala> val f = (x: Int) => { x + 2 } f: Int => Int = <function1> scala> f(3) res12: Int = 5
And here we burst into a few things.
to define a value, AKA, something which doesn't change. -
(x: Int)
the way to define arguments and their types in a function definition -
seperates signature from the anonymous function body -
{ ... }
how to define the body of an anonymous function
And of course calling the function is exactly what'd you find in any other
language f(argument)
. Well, sometimes, Let's take a look at a bit of a
weird call:
scala> (1 to 5).toList.foldLeft(0)((a: Int, b) => { a + b}) res9: Int = 15
Saying (1 to 5).toList)
is the same as saying List(1,2,3,4,5)
but it's
a bit less wordy and more flexible. foldLeft
is a concept that is likely
familiar to people who have been introduced to functional programming before.
Folding is when you aply an operation across an iterable and accumulate the
results. foldLeft
is a function, but it takes two sets of parenthesis.
Seem weird? Well, it's syntactic sugaring for being able to pass an anonymous
function as an argument to the foldLeft
function. It could also be written
as (1 to 5).toList.foldLeft(0) { (a: Int, b) => a + b }
One of the strengths of functional programming is matching. This is similar to switch statements but much much more powerful. Here's a toy example:
val g = (n: AnyVal) => { n match { case i:Int => println("int") case d:Double => println("double") case _ => println("lol wut") } } g(1) //-> int g(2.0) //-> double g("hi") //-> lol wut
This function can literally handle any type of input, if it doesn't know how to handle it, it will print the obligatory "lol wut" and end. When applied to more complex scenarios this can provide simple ways to branch a program based on inputs. If you really wanted to, you could probably avoid if statements to some degree since they're the same as something like this:
2 < 4 match { case true => 1; case false => 2 }
Though why you'd want to do this I'm not sure quite yet, esoteric reasons perhaps.
A more realistic example is dealing with XML files. While most of the web world is slowly moving to JSON. Much of it still exists within XML. Which is fine as far as scala is concerned because it provides a degree of native support for it. In the scala interpretter you can write out XML freely and then do some basic xpath querying on it.
Let's say we have a configuration file that looks something like this:
<config> <database environment="local"> <password>foo</password> <username>bar</username> <name>baz</name> <host>boz</host> </database> <database environment="dev"> <password>foo2</password> <username>bar2</username> <name>baz2</name> <host>boz2</host> </database> <database environment="production"> <password>foo3</password> <username>bar3</username> <name>baz3</name> <host>boz3</host> </database> </config>
Then in scala we can either have this be a variable like so:
val conf = <config><database //omitting the rest but you get the idea //or load it using the XML library: scala.xml.XML.loadFile("conf.xml")
We can then grab all the database nodes via xpath: conf \\ "database"
which will give us a NodeSeq
type back. Which we can filter on the
environmental attribute with .filter
. here's an example:
scala> var datasource = (conf \\ "database").filter(dNode => dNode.attribute("environment").exists(env => env.text == "dev")) datasource: scala.xml.NodeSeq = NodeSeq(<database environment="dev"> <password>foo2</password> <username>bar2</username> <name>baz2</name> <host>boz2</host> </database>) (datasource \ "host").text // gives back boz2
It's pretty easy to see how this could then be used to easily parse out and use for custom configuratons of your own system.
Overall, so far what I've seen of scala is interesting. The syntax is enjoyable and the community seems interesting and intelligent. I've picked up some books and plan on creating a few projects using scala soon. This post has gotten a bit long and didn't have much of a point but to chronologue some of the things I was playing with. So perhaps this will inspire you to pick up scala! A really good post to read if you're interested in learning more is this one, good luck!