Adding Exif Stripping to your Context menu
When you take pictures using your smartphone, camera, or anything like that. Do you ever notice that social media giants like Google or Facebook are able to attach a location and time to the pictures without any prompting from you? Or ever wonder how someone on a forum where you've shared work is able to know your shutter settings and what kind of camera you used?
The answer, is Exif Meta-data
If you don't want to be sharing this type of information, but you still want to
share your imagery, you might have learned about exiftool. And if you've already
got it installed, then removing meta-data is as simple as opening a terminal and
running: exiftool -all= <filename>
This is fine, but what if you want to be able to right click an image and quickly strip the data? Well, here's how you do that if you're using the Nautilus file browser (Assuming you've already installed exiftools).
First install nautilus actions
sudo apt-get install nautilus-actions
Open the configuration for commands
Create and define the command

Restart nautilus if you need to with nautilus -q
then right click an image

Hopefully this makes removing metadata easier for linux users out there using nautilus. I'm sure that for other window managers there are similar methods. If you have any other tips or useful commands to add to the context menu feel free to drop them in the comments section.