Reverse routing with Packaged Controllers in Play


** Use the fully qualified package name of your controller package followed by routes, then your class and method to perform reverse routing in a template to a controller action**

Reverse Routing to Controller Actions in Play 2.3 templates

Coming from an enterprise java world, you may be used to seeing long package names like: com.example.some.thing.and.stuff, after all, it's enterprise and that means we can't have conflicts with any other namespaces. So we use long crazy package names. Of course, we use long package names for other reasons, but that's my favorite.

In Play, the convention for controllers is to simply be in the package called controllers. And so long as you obey this convention, you won't run into any issues. Of course, I wouldn't be writing this blog post if I felt like obeying conventions! Let's say you have a controller enterprisely namespaced:

package com.ethanjoachimeldridge.scala.controllers

import play.api._
import play.api.mvc_

object Application extends Controller {
	def index : Action[AnyContent] = Action {

	def smile : Action[AnyContent] = Action {
		Ok("Alrighty! =D")

And the view file:


		<title>Reverse Routing Demo</title>
		<a href="#????">I just want to smile!</a>					

Assuming you've got build.sbt and plugins.sbt setup, having files like this in your project will compile if you're hoping to follow along. You might notice the #???? in the anchor tag. What to put here is the main subject of this post!

According to the documentation you'd expect to write here. Of course, if you do that you'll be greeted by a fun error:

value Application is not a member of object controllers.routes

"What gives!" You exclaim, wondering why the documentation has lied to you. So you give it another go, reasoning that perhaps your invokation was wrong and you need something different. So you might try:

<a href="">

But of course this will fail as well. Any notion of a framework wide controller package gone, you reason again wondering if the routes are contained in your Application class by some extension magic:

<a href="">

Which will of course fail. Not to give up, you look in the target directory of your project and find the following:


Woah! So you realize that Play has generated a routes object for your controller package and try that out in your code:

<a href=""
	I just want to smile!

And all the compilation errors go away and you're happy. On thinking about this it makes perfect sense that the routes package is added to whatever controller package you're using. However the documentation doesn't actually mention this, or provide any examples of this. Seeming to assume that all users will use the conventional top level controllers package. The documentation somewhat hints at this:

For each controller used in the routes file, the router will generate a ‘reverse controller’ in the routes package, having the same action methods, with the same signature, but returning a play.api.mvc.Call instead of a play.api.mvc.Action.

But doesn't explicitly say that the routes package will be generated with the same package hierarchy as your controller. Regardless, now you know how to use reverse routing within your templates or controllers appropriately when you're using a non-standard package in a play app!