Approaching Optimizations
About a week ago my friend Phelan sent me an email where he asked me to look at some code he had been working on. Specifically, a Hacker Rank challenge about unfairness. He told me that he had a solution to the problem, but it ran in about 30 seconds instead of 10 as the challenge required.
Before he emailed me, he had thought he already optimized the code a
little bit by removing a call to the len
function and had presented
me with the code below:
def compute_min_diff(n, k, candies): ''' You can profile your program by doing something like this: cat sample_input | python -m cProfile to identify the bottlenecks. ''' min_diff = None for i in range(n): subgroup = candies[i: i + k] if len(subgroup) == k: diff = subgroup[-1] - subgroup[0] # since list is sorted, max is last element and min is first if not min_diff or diff < min_diff: min_diff = diff return min_diff
Take a moment and see if you can spot a few places where one could improve the code to be more inefficient (or wait a moment and keep reading). After I had sent back my thoughts to him and he whittled the time down to 10 seconds, he sent me a follow up email:
"I have a blog request for you to write! something along the lines of algorithm optimization, like what you did to help me solve that hackerrank puzzle (reasoning behind the steps you took, your thought process, etc...) just a thought!""
While I normally write up small posts about little code problems I'm solving or projects I'm working on, it seems like a good change of pace to talk about how one approaches a problem like this. After all, people love things that go fast (and marketing says faster = $$$), so here we go:
Lists? SubGroups?
The first thing that pops out to me is the fact that we're considering subgroups of a list. If you put your computer hat on for a second and consider the first few lines you might notice something:
for i in range(n): subgroup = candies[i: i + k] if len(subgroup) == k: #...
Specifically that we don't have to loop over the entire list. A small
micro optimization we can realize is that since each subgroup is of size k
and we create these groups from i
, eventually we'll hit the case where the
are less than k
elements left in the list, at which the len(subgroup) == k
will always be false. This is a very small optimization if k
is small,
but still, it adds to performance since we loop over less, and we remove
the if
check entirely:
def compute_min_diff(n, k, candies): ''' You can profile your program by doing something like this: cat sample_input | python -m cProfile to identify the bottlenecks. ''' min_diff = None for i in range(n - k): subgroup = candies[i: i + k] diff = subgroup[-1] - subgroup[0] # since list is sorted, max is last element and min is first if not min_diff or diff < min_diff: min_diff = diff return min_diff
Faster! Faster!
So the code is now a faster, but it can still be made better. This is
done by an observation of the main
function of the program:
def main(): n = input() # the number of items in the list, passed in on stdin k = input() # the number of integers from the list we want to select candies = [input() for _ in range(0,n)] candies.sort() min_diff = compute_min_diff(n, k, candies) print min_diff
Notice the candies.sort()
? That means our list is sorted when it comes
into the compute_min_diff
function. That means more optimizations! Next
up, the subgroups, consider these two lines for a moment:
subgroup = candies[i: i + k] diff = subgroup[-1] - subgroup[0] # since list is sorted, max is last element and min is first
Any ideas? Remember that the elements are sorted. Oh, and Phelans comment
is really the key here. Notice that we're taking a slice of the list.
In other words, we're creating an object of just the subgroup we're looking
at, that is, the subgroup from i
to i + k
. But, if the list is sorted
and the max and min are the last and first elements at i
and i + k
why should we bother storing the data structure in the first place?
The answer of course, is that it's easier for a programmer to read, but when it comes to optimizing, readability sometimes goes out the window. But by doing so, we free ourselves of the computations to slice the list and also the space to store it, replacing it with two simple numbers. Thus our two lines of code become one more efficient one:
diff = candies[(i+k)-1] - candies[i]
Replacing objects that take up space and the computations needed to create them with two constant time operations is much better for performance. So at the end, Phelan had the following solution for the problem:
def compute_min_diff(n, k, candies): ''' You can profile your program by doing something like this: cat sample_input | python -m cProfile to identify the bottlenecks. ''' min_diff = None for i in range(n - k): diff = candies[(i + k) - 1] - candies[i] # since list is sorted, max is last element and min is first if min_diff == None or diff < min_diff: # mindiff == none because python treats 0 as false min_diff = diff return min_diff
What was the biggest change?
With these small changes, the 30 second script drops to a 10 second one.
The most time saving operation? Removing len(subgroup)
in our first
step. If you're wondering why this has such a dramatic effect, I want you
to think of what len
has to do.
In order to tell how many items are in a list you need to count them. For a c programmer iterating over a linked list one might find code like this:
int length = 0; for (Node * node = head; node != null; node = node->next) length++;
In python, you might find something similar:
length = 0 for x in list: length = length + 1
We of course already know that a single for loop will run in O(N) time,
and even O(N-k) is still O(N) as far as Big O notation is concerned. But
when you consider that the len
function effectively adds a small loop
inside, then you can see that we're doing k
small loops N
times. In other
words: O(Nk)
If you consider numbers, it's a decent different between 1000*3 and 1000,
especially if you're taking sometime from 30 seconds down under 10. So really,
the key to this optimization is the knowledge that len
is going to add
a very small loop to your code. And the intuition that slices act in a
similar way, as they must iterate over a part of a loop to build a data
A slice from i
to i + k
is going to add another small loop
within our for loop: O(Nk) * 2, if you will. Granted the 2 is a constant
and drops out. But it's still worth noting when you're in a performance
contest, especially if you're dealing with actual imperical evidence of
it slowing you down, and not just working within the theoretical Big O
I'm a liar 😉
All of that said, I'd like to point out that the len
function, despite
what I just said, is actually an O(1) operation. But it's easier
to reason and show a code example of how one would compute the length of
a list then create a slice
of a list. In this particular case, the real
culprit of the O(Nk) time is the slice operation. As you can see in the
Time Complexity for lists, the slicing operation takes O(k) time
for k
elements. The reasons why this is the most expensive operation
should be obvious to you after our discussion of len
Did that answer your email Phelan?
I hope that my musings and ramblings about lists and optimizations will help you in some way. The best advice I can give to anyone hoping to optimize their code is the following: You need to understand what goes on under the hood before you can optimize. It might be something obvious, a function you wrote that you knew was bad, or that a profiler has flagged for you. Or it might be something as simple as list slices, which you might forget actually has to do some work to compute a result! It's really all about understanding your code from the highest to the lowest levels, that's the only thing that can build a sense of intuition about where to look and what to change in order to optimize.
Oh, and documentation about performance of common functions always helps!