ElasticSearch, Regular Expressions, and Text Anchors
A bit of background
The other day I was helping a co-worker write some tests for one of our
systems that uses ElasticSearch. The use case wasn't that crazy: we had
a text field that we were enabling search for, and as part of our spec we
decided that if a user typed some text than that'd become a regular
match search, but we also wanted to enable them to use *
to indicate a
One of the first tests we had written was just checking that we respected our ordering parameters, so the test was something like this:
filter fixture's from test with field T starting with "t" do a search for all content with field T starting with "t*" verify list of results match fixtures and is ordered right
And this appeared to work fine for us, at least until my co-worker started
writing a test for the functionality I mentioned above and his test string
was something like "my really cool text"
. All of a sudden the test above
started failing.
The reason? Because T
was a simple text field, and if you pay attention
to the documentation on Regexp Query's
Lucene’s patterns are always anchored. The pattern provided must match the entire string.
If you don't understand why this sentence relates to my co-workers dummy
text string, then you've forgotten one simple thing: elastic search
breaks up a text string into tokens. It's these tokens which are being
matched against, so when the documentation says that the patterns are
anchored, that means that in the string "my really cool text"
, the
token of text
will match t.*
. We're not considering the whole string
of text as one piece, but as multiple tokens. So what if we wanted to?
Anchoring a search to an entire field
While our use case didn't call for this (we like tokens and so do our users), it got me thinking. If you wanted to support searching against the entire field, with an anchor at the beginning of the text, how would you do that, while still allowing regular match queries to use the tokens we know and love?
You could use a prefix query and nix the *
. Or:
The answer is actually pretty simple. Use copy_to! If you're not aware,
allows us to copy the value of one field to an indexed version
that can have other analyzers applied to it. This means that we can keep
an exact match copy and a version of a string broken up into tokens. By
doing this, we're able to have a regular expression consider the entire
field as the string it will apply an anchored search to.
In case that doesn't all click. Here's an example of a sense session I did to demonstrate the technique to my co-worker:
First, we make an index with a mapping defining a copied field:
PUT example_copy { "mappings": { "example" : { "properties": { "original" : { "type": "string", "copy_to": "copied" }, "copied" : { "type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed" } } } } }
Next, we index some data:
POST /example_copy/example { "original" : "hello there friend" }
Note: If you take a look at the documents returned by searches, you'll
see that only the original
field is returned, the copied
field is
not part of the source document, and that's the way it should be.
A regular expression search against our tokenized field:
POST /example_copy/_search { "query": { "regexp" : { "original" : { "value" : "t.*" } } } }
The above will return the document we indexed because the t
the token there
. But, if we search on our copied
field with the same
POST /example_copy/_search { "query": { "regexp" : { "copied" : { "value" : "t.*" } } } }
You'll get 0 results. That's because the text "hello there friend"
doesn't begin with t
like the search value requires. But if you were
to search for an h.*
like so:
POST /example_copy/_search { "query": { "regexp" : { "copied" : { "value" : "h.*" } } } }
Then you'd get back your document, this is because h
is the start of
the string "hello there friend"
Note about version
ElasticSearch just came out with version 5.0.0, and if you're paying
attention you might have noticed I'm pointing to the 1.3 version
documentation, and that's because legacy code will do that to ya! That
said, regexp
queries are still part of the DSL in 5.0.0, as is the
functionality. So you can do the above in the latest version
if you need to!