Circe Examples

I've used a few JSON libraries in scala and most of the time end up using play-json because if I'm working in a play application, then its already there and easy to use. However, there are limitations that make one go out and find an alternative sometimes. For example:

One such alternative is a very nice little library called circe. It has a simple six part guide that serves as an introduction to using the library but anything more complex than that and you're left to hunting through the api documentation for answers. And well, sometimes the answers aren't immediately obvious. The best place to get help for when this occurs is the gitter channel because generally someone can help you and more often than not that someone is Travis Brown who created the library.

In this blog post, I'll document a few things that I've had to do in circe that don't appear in the guide I linked to, but which you might need to do in your own projects.


Before I show any examples, if you want to follow along or run these examples in your console you'll need to setup a few imports and a build file.


scalaVersion := "2.11.8"

val circeVersion = "0.8.0"

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "io.circe" %% "circe-core",
  "io.circe" %% "circe-generic",
  "io.circe" %% "circe-parser"
).map(_ % circeVersion)

import these in your console

import io.circe._
import io.circe.generic.semiauto._
import io.circe.generic.decoding.DerivedDecoder
import io.circe.generic.encoding.DerivedObjectEncoder

or in one line:

import io.circe._, io.circe.generic.semiauto._, io.circe.generic.decoding.DerivedDecoder, io.circe.generic.encoding.DerivedObjectEncoder

And now you're ready to work with the examples.

Recursive decoder gotchas

Consider the recursive class

case class A(id: Int, children: Vector[A])

The fact that this class is recursive isn't really a problem for circe, however it is a problem for the compiler if you don't provide enough hints to it to figure out what you want it to be done. Type the following into your console to use circe's semi-automatic deriviation to create a decoder:

implicit val d = deriveDecoder[A]

You'll get an error like this:

error: could not find Lazy implicit value of type io.circe.generic.decoding.DerivedDecoder[A]

So you read this error and think to yourself, "oh it right, it needs to be Lazy since it's recursive, that makes sense!" so you try this:

lazy implicit val d = deriveDecoder[A]

But you'll get the same error. The real problem is something similar to what happens when you do something like this:

scala> def f(x: Int) = if (x < 0) true else f(x - 1)
<console>:19: error: recursive method f needs result type

The compiler needs to know exactly what the type of this recursive thing is. So if you write your decoder like so:

scala> implicit val d: Decoder[A]  = deriveDecoder[A]

You'll be happily treated to seeing it compile and the console spit back

d: io.circe.Decoder[A] = io.circe.generic.decoding.DerivedDecoder$$anon$1@78952c43

Simple enough, but very easy to get tripped up. For example, if you remove the implicit keyword from the declaration, you'll end up with that same error again.

Handling recursive decoding yourself

So say you don't want to use the semi-automatic derivation, maybe you have some rules you want to apply during the decoding process and fail it if it doesn't quite fit what you want. Let's look at our example class again:

case class A(id: Int, children: Vector[A])

Let's say that our system requires that all ids must be greater than 0. And we've decided to enforce this at the json layer and reject requests before they even make it into the system. So we begin defining these things like so:

import cats.syntax.either._ // Make Either right biased

implicit val decoder: Decoder[A] = Decoder.instance { hCursor =>
	val idDecodingResult = hCursor.downField("id").as[Int] match {
		case Right(id) if id > 0 => Right[DecodingFailure, Int](id)
		case Right(id) => Left(DecodingFailure("Id must be greater than 0", hCursor.history))
		case l => l
	val childrenResult = hCursor.downField("children").as[Vector[A]]
	for {
		id <- idDecodingResult
		children <- childrenResult
	} yield A(id, children)

And we can see that it works:

scala> parser.parse("""{"id": -1, "children": []}""")[A]
res3: io.circe.Decoder.Result[A] = Left(DecodingFailure(Id must be greater than 0, List()))

However, there is one limitation here which we can see if one of the recursive children is invalid:

scala> parser.parse("""{"id": 1, "children": [{"id" : 2, "children": []},{"id": -2, "children": []}]}""")[A]
res8: io.circe.Decoder.Result[A] = Left(DecodingFailure([A]Vector[A], List(MoveRight, DownArray, DownField(children))))

If you look at the operations captured in the history you can see that circe has told you exactly where the problem was, namely the second child of the object. But you might also see the weird message of [A]Vector[A] where before we saw the nice human friendly error message we wrote. This is a bug, and until the issue is closed you'll have to live with it if you're not willing to use the work around mentioned last in this blog post.

Letting circe do most of your work

In the above example writing a decoder is simple, and part of this is because our toy model A is only two fields. However, in the real world you might have many more fields to deal with, and it's tedious and error prone to write them all out yourself. So, rather than create the entire decoder ourselves we can use the semi-automatic derivation and the method emap to construct something similar to the above.

def validA(a: A): Boolean = { > 0 && && _)

implicit val d: Decoder[A] = deriveDecoder[A].emap { a =>
    if(!validA(a)) {
        Left("Id must be greater than 0")
    } else {

This is a little more concise than previous code because we are now dealing with the parsed instance of A rather than the cursors within circe directly. So you basically now have 2 steps in the validation process, the reading of JSON, and the extra validation of it. If performance is a concern you probably want to stick with staying within circe, but if its not then the above would work fine. However, it has the same problems as I mentioned with the above, at least until the issue is fixed:

scala> parser.parse("""{"id": 1, "children": [{"id" : 2, "children": []},{"id": -2, "children": []}]}""")[A]
res0: io.circe.Decoder.Result[A] = Left(DecodingFailure([A]Vector[A], List(MoveRight, DownArray, DownField(children))))

scala> parser.parse("""{"id": -1, "children": []}""")[A]
res1: io.circe.Decoder.Result[A] = Left(DecodingFailure(Id must be greater than 0, List()))

Handling classes with defaults on non-optional fields

If you've ever worked on a large system with a lot of components you know that versioning your libraries and being clear about backwards compatibility is very important. So it makes sense that if your systems speak to each other through json, then you want to keep things compatible there as well. So let's say we take our A class and make version 0.1.0 of it:

case class A(id: Int, children: Vector[A], isPublic: Boolean = false)

This new A class released in version 0.1.0 of our fake library can be used in place of the old one with no compilation errors since we've defaulted the isPublic field. However, if we were to use the regular serializer for this, and then some other part of the system sends a 0.0.0 A instance:

{"id": 1, "children": []}

We'd get an error like so:

scala> parser.parse("""{"id":1,"children":[]}""")[A]
res0: io.circe.Decoder.Result[A] = Left(DecodingFailure(Attempt to decode value on failed cursor, List(DownField(isPublic))))

If we want out JSON defaults to match the same rules as our actual class, then we need to also default the JSON. Luckily, the prepare method let's us modify the incoming JSON before the decoder gets to attempt to decode this. So we can define the following decoder to get around this issue:

implicit val d: Decoder[A] = deriveDecoder[A].prepare { acursor =>
	acursor.withFocus { json =>
		json.mapObject { jsonObject =>
			if(jsonObject.contains("isPublic")) {
			} else {
				jsonObject.add("isPublic", Json.fromBoolean(false))

prepare gives us an acursor whose current focus is the root of whatever was asked to be decoder, which we know in the case of an A is an object, so we treat the json as an object and check if it already has the field isPublic defined. If not, then we default it to the same thing that our actual class did. With that in place, a system sending us 0.0.0 versions of the A class serialized into JSON can be parsed:

scala> parser.parse("""{"id":1,"children":[]}""")[A]
res0: io.circe.Decoder.Result[A] = Right(A(1,Vector(),false))

Getting around that pesky useless error message.

For our last trick, let's make our error messages helpful to us again. This

Left(DecodingFailure([A]Vector[A], List(MoveRight, DownArray, DownField(children))))

is not useful. However, the reason we get this is because the default decoder for Vector creates an error message of its own and overrides our custom one by calling decodeCanBuildFrom[T, Vector].withErrorMessage("[A]Vector[A]"). So, all we need to do to fix this error is get a more specific implicit for our type into scope when we create our custom decoder:

import cats.syntax.either._ // Need for right biased Either

case class A(id: Int, children: Vector[A]) // Back to 0.0.0 for this

// The Magic:
implicit def vectorADecoder[A: Decoder]: Decoder[Vector[A]] = Decoder.decodeCanBuildFrom[A, Vector]

// The same decoder we defined before
implicit val decoder: Decoder[A] = Decoder.instance { hCursor =>
     val idDecodingResult = hCursor.downField("id").as[Int] match {
          case Right(id) if id > 0 => Right[DecodingFailure, Int](id)
          case Right(id) => Left(DecodingFailure("Id must be greater than 0", hCursor.history))
          case l => l
     val childrenResult = hCursor.downField("children").as[Vector[A]]
     for {
          id <- idDecodingResult
          children <- childrenResult
     } yield A(id, children)

While this is the same custom decoder as before, the difference is that when we call as[Vector[A]] and the compiler goes looking for an implicit Decoder for that type, it sees our new vectorADecoder method and uses that rather than the one defined within circe for generic Vectors. And so, when we parse some invalid JSON:

scala> parser.parse("""{"id": 1, "children": [{"id" : 2, "children": []},{"id": -2, "children": []}]}""")[A]
res0: io.circe.Decoder.Result[A] = Left(DecodingFailure(Id must be greater than 0, List(MoveRight, DownArray, DownField(children))))

We see that we have the right error message now. And if we use show then we'll get a very useful error message we can log or display:

import cats.implicits._
res1: String = DecodingFailure at .children[1]: Id must be greater than 0

Useful huh?

And that's it.

So, in summary: