Creating your own RSS feed with HarpJS

A lot of people use RSS feeds to aggregate content they want to know about, and by offering this service from your own website or blog you can help distribute your content a little bit easier to the tech-savvy world. The other day one of my friends asked me if my website had an RSS feed.

It does now. And I'm going to show you how to do get your own.

As you know if you've read my previous posts I use HarpJS to compile my website whenever I create new content. Harp let's you use EJS or Jade to template your website and supports a lot of different content types out of the box. Specifically, I write everything in markdown because I love it, and luckily for you and your RSS feed, Harp supports creating XML documents as well, including templating.

This is the full code that generates my RSS feed, obviously these types of things depend on the data you have constructed. In my case, each blog post's meta data (within _data.json) includes a title,description, and date already. When I create a new post I add it to the bottom of my list, which means that to show a listing of each, with the latest at the top, I have to reverset the list first before I use it:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">
		var articles = [] 
		var highestDate = 0;

      	for (var slug in public["tech-blog"]._data) { 
            public["tech-blog"]._data[slug].slug = slug

            if (slug != "index" && slug != "feed" && !public["tech-blog"]._data[slug].draft) {
            	var obj = public["tech-blog"]._data[slug]
            	obj.slug = slug
          		if (highestDate < Date.parse( {
          			highestDate = Date.parse(

		<title>Ethan's Techblog Feed</title>
		<description>XML RSS 2.0 feed for Ethan Eldridge's tech blog</description>
		<managingEditor> (Ethan Eldridge)</managingEditor>
		<webMaster> Eldridge)</webMaster>
		<lastBuildDate><%= new Date(highestDate).toGMTString() %></lastBuildDate>
		<atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />

		<% for (articleIdx in articles) { %>
			<title><%- articles[articleIdx].title %></title>
			<link><%= articles[articleIdx].slug %></link>
			<guid><%= articles[articleIdx].slug %></guid>
			<pubDate><%= new Date(Date.parse(articles[articleIdx].date)).toGMTString() %></pubDate>
				![CDATA[<%- articles[articleIdx].description.trim()
					.replace(/[\u00A0-\u9999<>\&]/gim, function(i) {
						if(i.charCodeAt(0) == '<'){
   						return '&#'+i.charCodeAt(0)+';';
					}).replace(/&/gim, '&amp;') 
		<% } %>

Next, the xml,rss, and channel elements are part of the standard and easily implemented using the examples they give you. Same with the feed description itself with the title, link, and editor tags. There are only two items that stood out when creating this feed.

The timestamps for date.

The date's need to be valid RFC 822 timestamps. This means GMT time. If I were to not call the toGMTString() function on my dates, then I would have an invalid feed because I'd get things like this:

Fri Dec 19 2014 08:41:43 GMT-0500 (EST)

Instead of formats like this:

Fri, 19 Dec 2014 13:42:05 GMT

If you're using something like FeedValidator to make sure your feed is valid, then it will complain unless you use the GMT versions.

Links in the Description tag

In your RSS feed, if you're going to put more than just text, you need to encode the entities of the data and put them into a CDATA block. The spec page links to how to format your links, but to do it you need some tomfoolery with javascript. Namely this:

	![CDATA[<%- articles[articleIdx].description.trim()
		.replace(/[\u00A0-\u9999<>\&]/gim, function(i) {
			if(i.charCodeAt(0) == '<'){
				return '&#'+i.charCodeAt(0)+';';
		}).replace(/&/gim, '&amp;') 

This replaces all the unicode characters (outside of 127 range) with their corresponding character code, then turns them into entities. There is a stackoverflow post describing this in more detail. However, the answer doesn't mention the .replace(/&/gim, '&amp;') part, only the fiddle does.

Once you have these two gotchas under control then you'll be happily displaying your shiny valid RSS feed image in no time!

[Valid RSS]