How to target JVM environments in Play! Framework (scala) with SBT

Unfortunately, legacy systems exist. Many times these systems run on old or antiquated hardware, sometimes the applications are so tightly wound to the environment that a component can't be upgraded unless you upgrade 100 others. More than that, on some occasions, environments can differ in ways like: staging, qa, production, NEW production with shiny new tools, NEW NEW production, NEW staging, etc etc.

Unless one is careful and thorough in their system administration, a local environment can often differ from live ones. For example, if your JVM and java version are different then some web server you inherited from a 15 year old legacy project.

Luckily, when you compile java files with javac you can specify both the -source and -target version. And for people using sbt there's a simple way to specify these from your build.sbt file.

javacOptions ++= Seq("-source", 1.7, "-target", 1.7)
scalacOptions := Seq(-target:jvm-1.7)

Of course, this doesn't do you much good if you're using version control, as you'll end up needing to commit different versions whenever you try to build unless your deploy process specifies that information. So instead of hard coding the java version, it's better to use a variable you can set on starting your sbt process. To do this, we need to pull in environmental variables to our build.sbt. How do we do this? Simple, we use sys.props.getOrElse!

val javaTargetVersion = sys.props.getOrElse("JAVATARGET", default = "1.7") 
javacOptions ++= Seq("-source", javaTargetVersion, "-target", javaTargetVersion)
scalacOptions := Seq(s"-target:jvm-$javaTargetVersion")

With this in our build file we can now use -D variables when starting sbt to define which version of java we'll target. For example:

sbt -DJAVATARGET=1.6 clean compile dist

Will build and package a zip file for our application targeting a system using java 1.6.

We can stop here, but most people don't want to remember or type out a long list of -D variables. Rather, most people would at most type out a single switch to their build. Something like

sbt -DENV=stage clean compile dist

So how do we support that? One would think it would be simple, use something like this:

val env = sys.props.getOrElse("ENV", default = "local") 

val (javaTargetVersion, sourceVersion, jvmVersion) = env match {
	case "local" => ("1.7","1.7","1.7")
	case "stage" => ("1.6","1.7","1.6")
	case "production" => ("1.7","1.7","1.8")

But you'd be wrong. If you attempt to do this you'll get an error from the compiler that says:

[error]  Pattern matching in val statements is not supported

As of right now, even defining a function in Build.scala doesn't work to resolve the error message and allow for something like the above. There may be a way to do it, but as of this writing, I'm still waiting for an answer to my StackOverFlow Question.

Until the scala community responds, we'll be stuck specifying -D flags to sbt in bulk. But even with the slight inconvenience, it's not so bad, as we could automate such things with makefiles.

** Update **

As stated by Gabriele Petronella in the answer to my StackOverFlow Question the SBT parser does not support assigning to tuples. But, if you use a case class then you'll be ok. This needs to be done in the Build.scala file like so:

import sbt._
import Keys._

case class EnvData(target: String, source: String, jvm: String)

And then you can update the build.sbt file to use this new class to have a more informative and clear process:

val env = sys.props.getOrElse("ENV", default = "local") 

val envData = env match {
	case "local" => EnvData("1.7","1.7","1.7")
	case "stage" => EnvData("1.6","1.7","1.6")
	case "production" => EnvData("1.7","1.7","1.8")

val targetJvm = s"-target:jvm-${envData.jvm}" 

scalacOptions := Seq(
  "-encoding", "utf8",

javacOptions ++= Seq("-source", envData.source, "-target",

If you'd like to see an example Play Application using the sbt setup described above, check out this example repository.