3 Vegetable Soup

Ever have a random bunch of ingredients and don't know what to do with them? The answer is to make soup!
Servings: Enough for 1!
Time: 20 minutes or to taste
Difficulty: Easy
(note that you can use whatever, this is just what I used this one time)
1 Tomato
4 Pearl Onions
4 Small thin carrots
1 sprig of rosemary
Slice the carrots into round pieces, each about half an inch or less long
Boil Water on to boil in a small pot, cover on
Add the rosemary to the water
While the water is beginning to simmer add the carrots in
Slice the onions and add them to the simmering mix
Slice the tomato into half inch thick pieces and add to the boiling water
Add noodles once you see the tomato start to break down
Stir and boil, checking on the mixture until the carrots are soft enough to skewer with a fork or to your liking.