Soy Sauteed Chicken and Sprouts

** Difficult: Easy **
This is a really simple and tasty recipe you can make if you want to have chicken, but also want to delude yourself into thinking it's somewhat healthy at the same time!
** Ingredients: **
Chicken (about half a breast)
Two Brussel Sprouts
Soy Sauce
1 tablespoon butter (unsalted)
Olive oil
1/2 cup rice
1 cup water
pinch of salt
Optional: Diavolo Spice Rub or other spices for chicken
** Directions: **
Bring water to a boil in a small pot
once boiling, add salt and rice and turn stove to simmer, covering set the kitchen timer to 20 minutes
Turn on another burner to medium heat
Quarter the sprouts and slice the chicken into small slices, about a half inch thick
Add olive oil to the pan once hot, enough to cover the bottom then add butter and soy sauce
When the soy sauce begins to bubble, add the spices to the liquid and add the chicken and sprouts to the pan
Let cook, turning every few minutes
If the chicken finishes before the rice, simply turn the heat down and stir occasionally, keeping the food warm until the rice is done
Dish out the rice, cover in chicken sprouts and the juices from the pan and enjoy!