Basic Manipulation of XML with PHP
Even though I've been on a Scala kick recently, PHP is still the language I'd consider the most common on the web. As such, we often need to dive into legacy systems or perform things in the language no matter what our opinion of its insanity. Considering that PHP and XML go hand in hand on occasion, (basing this on the current 32,265 results on StackOverflow) I figure'd I'd write up a quick post about some common use cases for the two.
The first thing to understand about XML and PHP is that, like everything in PHP,
there's a module dedicated to it. And it's worth it to quickly peruse the
available functions for the DOMDocument
, DOMNode
, and DOMElement
The other thing worth looking into is XPATH.
I won't go into this too much, but using XPath is probably the best way to
manipulate a subset of a Tag if you need to. For example, if you wanted to
add an attribute of "jackass" to only Tags that had an attribute of partner="X223"
for your internal record keeping. More on this later.
For all the examples, assume you have the following available to you:
<?php $xml = <<<XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Things> <Thing name="one"> <Color>Red</Color> </Thing> <Thing name="two"> <Color>Blue</Color> </Thing> </Things> XML; $dom = new DomDocument(); $dom->loadXml($xml); $dom->formatOutput = true; $document->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
In case you're curious, the format <<<XML ... XML;
is called a HEREDOC.
Which is pretty handy for declaring large strings. Read the linked documentation
if you're curious about how to use it.
Set the Value of an XML Node with PHP
Let's say we get orders from on high that from henceforth, all Things must be
Yellow. How do we set the value of the Color
tag in our XML?
function setAllTagToValue($dom, $tagName, $value) { $tags = $dom->getElementsByTagName($tagName); foreach ($tags as $domElement) { $domElement->nodeValue = ""; $domElement->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($value)); } } setAllTagToValue($dom, "Color", "Yellow");
Will do the trick. The getElementsByTagName
returns a DOMNodeList
. Which
implements Traversable and can be iterated over by foreach
. You might be
wondering why we set nodeValue
to an empty string? Consider what would
happen if we didn't! If we didn't reset the node Value, we'd end up with this
as our XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Things> <Thing name="one"> <Color>RedYellow</Color> </Thing> <Thing name="two"> <Color>BlueYellow</Color> </Thing> </Things>
Notice that without reseting the text, all we do is add text to the text node inside the tag. We can use this knowledge to create a method:
function appendStringToTagValue($dom, $tagName, $value) { $tags = $dom->getElementsByTagName($tagName); foreach ($tags as $domElement) { $domElement->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($value)); } } appendStringToTagValue($dom, "Color", " is this thing's color");
What about the converse of this? Prepending text to a node? Pretty similar:
function prependStringToTagValue($dom, $tagName, $value) { $tags = $dom->getElementsByTagName($tagName); foreach ($tags as $domElement) { $oldValue = $domElement->nodeValue; $domElement->nodeValue = ""; $domElement->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($value . $oldValue)); } } prependStringToTagValue($dom, "Color", "My ");
Which is just the two previous functions combined in a different order. Running the above would result in the following xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Things> <Thing name="one"> <Color>My Yellow is this thing's color</Color> </Thing> <Thing name="two"> <Color>My Yellow is this thing's color</Color> </Thing> </Things>
Add a Node to an XML Tag
Ok, so we can now adjust the value of a text node, what if we want to add a
node? We want our Thing
s to also contain their disposition. We can use the
and $domElement-appendChild
to accomplish this:
function addElementToTag($dom, $tagName, $elementName, $elementText) { $tags = $dom->getElementsByTagName($tagName); foreach ($tags as $domElement) { $newElement = $dom->createElement($elementName); $newElement->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($elementText)); $domElement->appendChild($newElement); } }
You might think to yourself, why not just create the element once and then add it to the appropriate tags? Surely that would be better? The results of code like this would not be what you'd expect:
// Incorrect! Will only add to the LAST of $tagName function addElementToTag($dom, $tagName, $elementName, $elementText) { $newElement = $dom->createElement($elementName); $newElement->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($elementText)); $tags = $dom->getElementsByTagName($tagName); foreach ($tags as $domElement) { $domElement->appendChild($newElement); } } addElementToTag($dom, "Thing", "Disposition", "Mischievious");
Results in:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Things> <Thing name="one"> <Color>Red</Color> </Thing> <Thing name="two"> <Color>Blue</Color> <Disposition>Mischievious</Disposition> </Thing> </Things>
Which is a good reminder that manipulating the dom is a side-effecting operation, and moving pieces around can be done pretty easily. Which leads to our next step.
How do I remove a Tag from an XML Node?
Ok, so maybe it's not quiet the right seque, but we're getting there. Here's how to remove a Tag from XML:
function removeTag($dom, $tagName) { $tagsToRemove = $dom->getElementsByTagName($tagName); $elementsToRemove = array(); foreach ($tagsToRemove as $domElement) { $elementsToRemove[] = $domElement; } foreach ($elementsToRemove as $domElement) { $domElement->parentNode->removeChild($domElement); } }
Wait what? Why do we have to iterate twice? The answer to this lies in the
implementation of DomNodeList
itself. You can see in the source, that the
node list is essentially a linked list. As such, the ->next
, if we were to
do something like this:
function removeTagWRONG($dom, $tagName) { $tagsToRemove = $dom->getElementsByTagName($tagName); foreach ($tagsToRemove as $domElement) { $domElement->parentNode->removeChild($domElement); } }
Gets screwed up a bit since we're effecting the list we're iterating over. If
you attempt to use the removeTagWRONG
function, the XML will only remove the
first element matching the TagName. Consider that every operation on the dom
has a side effect on the underlying document. If we remove an element from a
list, then we have effected the underlying list structure underneath. So it's
not that surprising that we stop iterating, since after we've removed that
element there is no next
pointer underneath.
But I don't want to iterate twice you say! Alright, we can do this if we go over the list backwards. Weird? Yeah, but hey, it's PHP, try not to think about it to hard.
function removeTag($dom, $tagName) { $tagsToRemove = $dom->getElementsByTagName($tagName); $i = $tagsToRemove->length -1; while($i >= 0) { $domElement = $tagsToRemove->item($i); $domElement->parentNode->removeChild($domElement); $i--; } }
This is using an alternate method of accessing the nodes we haven't seen yet.
The use of ->item(index)
on the DomNodeList
itself. It's good to note that
you can use this at anytime if you can't use foreach
for whatever reason.
Adding an Element before another Element
Let's say that we want to add a new Thing
to our XML file. But orders from
on high has declared we need to put this new Thing
after the one which has
an attribute of name="two"
. How do we do this?
Firstly, we'll be needing to pull out only the Thing
with the specified
attribute. Secondly, we'll have have to insert a new node before it. For this
we can use xpath and the insertBefore
method on the DomNode class.
Using our previous declared $xpath
variable, we can perform Queries on the
dom and retrieve DomNodeList results we can use. Here's an example:
$xPathResult = $xpath->query('/Things/Thing[@name="two"]'); // xPathResult contains a node list of length 1, with a single DomElement (Thing)
For a good list of xPath examples, check out the wikipedia page. The above
example queries for a Thing, which is a descendent of a Things tag, and has
an attribute of name="two"
. Note that @
is what specifies we're looking
for an attribute.
With this, we have the first half of our puzzle. Now how do we use it to insert an element before the other?
// Make the new element newElement = $dom->createElement("Thing"); $newElement->appendChild($dom->createElement("Color", "Orange")); $thingTwo = $results->item(0); thingTwo->parentNode->insertBefore($newElement,thingTwo);
What if we were inserting the same element before more than one node though?
$results = $xpath->query('/Things/Thing'); foreach($results as $result) { $newElement = $dom->createElement("Thing"); $newElement->appendChild($dom->createElement("Color", "Orange")); $result->parentNode->insertBefore($newElement,$result); }
Take care to create the new element within the iteration, or you'll be faced with the same issue as before. Having only a single element appear before the last matching element.
Set attributes on Tags
Our regular XML string had a few attributes, so how do we set this? We have
two options. Use createAttribute
from the DomDocument
class, or use
method on the DomElement
. We'll use the second since it's
more obvious in how it works:
$dom = new DomDocument("1.0","utf-8"); //new document using UTF-8 encoding, and version 1 of xml. $elem = $dom->createElement("Something"); $dom->appendChild($elem); $elem->setAttribute("name","value"); print $dom->saveXml(); // Output: // <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> // <Something name="value"/>
Pretty simple right? There's really not much to say about this besides that it
will escape the value for you. So calling setAttribute("name","&val");
result in a node with name="&val"
Put it all together
Using these basics we can do some pretty simple XML manipulation. Let's go ahead and construct our string Xml using the functions we've defined:
<?php $dom = new DomDocument("1.0", "utf-8"); $thingsElem = $dom->createElement('Things'); //need a root to play with $dom->appendChild($thingsElem); $dom->formatOutput = true; $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); addElementToTag($dom, "Things", "Thing", null); addElementToTag($dom, "Things", "Thing", null); addElementToTag($dom, "Thing", "Color", "Blue"); addElementToTag($dom, "Thing", "Disposition", "Mischievious"); // Set the first Thing's color to red $firstInList = $xpath->query("(/Things/Thing/Color)[1]"); //select first Color Node, note xpath indexes start at 1, not 0! foreach($firstInList as $domElement) { $domElement->nodeValue = ""; $domElement->appendChild($dom->createTextNode("Red")); } // Set the attribute for each Thing's Name! $thingNames = array("one", "two"); $things = $xpath->query("/Things/Thing"); $i = 0; foreach($things as $thing) { $thing->setAttribute("name", $thingNames[$i] ); $i++; } print $dom->saveXml(); /* Results in the following xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Things> <Thing name="one"><Color>Red</Color><Disposition>Mischievious</Disposition></Thing> <Thing name="two"><Color>Blue</Color><Disposition>Mischievious</Disposition></Thing> </Things> */
Hopefully you've found this somewhat useful, and can approach XML in PHP with a little knowledge about how to do the basics. Good luck!